A letter I wrote to Rich Fisher, my beloved youth pastor and friend. I am so thankful that his wife, Lynette was able to read it to him a couple days before he passed away on May 3rd, 2010...
April 30, 2010
I'm praying with all my heart and soul that God decides to perform a miracle and heal you completely. But if He has another plan for you I wanted to make sure you know how I feel about you and how much you mean to me.
There are so many people out there, including my best friend and my husband, who you have been a father to... You have provided for them a person to look up to, have given them guidance and direction in their lives, and been someone to just have fun and fart around with. :)
My story is different because I have an amazing dad. He and I share a very special relationship and I was never in desperate need of a figure in my life other than him. That doesn't mean I didn't find one, still, in you. Some of the best years of my life were spent at your house, and under your care and guidance. There were times when you knew more about me and my life than my own parents did, and I was and am so grateful to you and Lynette for providing that for me. Even though I have two loving, Godly parents, I still needed you guys and knew I could come to you for anything.
Whether it was watching westerns, getting shot (by YOU) point blank with an airsoft gun, watching boys play video games, eating delicious food, or talking about life, I have endless wonderful memories of you and what you did for me during a time when people need positive role models the most (Jr. high and high school). I continued to make decisions in my life through college and even now in marriage and parenthood that are based on foundations that YOU helped build for me. I will be forever thankful to you for that, and to God for providing you.
As I said before, I am praying for a healing miracle because I can't imagine not having you here. Lynette and the boys are constantly on my mind, and I certainly don't want them to have to be without you. But I also know that we won't always understand God's reasoning, or why He does things, but no matter what we think about it, He is GOOD. It's because of you and your teaching, loving, and guiding that I can even say that right now.
I love you so much, Rich. Thank you for being my 2nd dad and for teaching me more than you could ever know.