Since I love prompts and finding inspiration for new writing projects, I decided I'd go through this list by simply answering the questions. Most of the time, I write because it's therapy for me. I love putting my thoughts down to "paper" (computer screen) so that I can revisit them later. I also write much of what I do with the possibly delusional idea that my daughters might be interested in their mother's life one day.
I don't plan to go through this list exclusively while writing for this blog, but I plan to one day have answered all 30 prompts.
So here goes: a series of 30 Things My Kids Should Know About Me...
#1: List 20 Random Facts About Yourself
1. I'm an introvert. While I've become more outgoing the older I get (out of growing confidence and as a survival tactic: I don't want to come across as snooty or socially retarded) my preference is to stick with my small group of close friends and family, and just hang out in my house.
2. I hate olives and mushrooms. This makes sharing pizza with large groups of people interesting.
3. My favorite body part has always been my legs. They've never been thin, but they're strong, and I've known this since my earliest softball/volleyball days.
4. I love to sing, and I have a silly fantasy of what life would be like if I was good enough to be a professional.
5. I'm very liberal, considering my background, family, and faith.
6. I told myself in high school that the cutoff height for any boy who had a chance with me would be 6'2". I'm no Amazon woman, but I'm tall, and wanted to be able to wear heels without towering over my man. Jon is 6'5"... I can wear whatever shoes I want.
7. I barely made the cutoff for Jon in the height department. Being a tall woman herself, Jon's mom told him he couldn't marry anyone shorter than 5'8"... tall girls have less of a selection, so she wanted to save her own son for one of them. I'm 5'8 1/4". (I know this because every fraction of an inch mattered when listing your height for the volleyball roster. I'm pretty sure I rounded up to 5'9".)
8. I love cooking. When Jon and I got married I had no idea what I was doing. Now I'm proficient and even love to invent my own recipes.
9. I considered myself a "boys' mom" and was totally convinced I'd have three boys of my own one day. Then God gave me girls, and I love it more than I ever could have known.
10. My dream car in high school was a Jeep Grand Cherokee.
11. The first thing I notice about people is their teeth. Not their smile, their actual teeth.
12. I obsess over the 1960s. Due to the nostalgia now surrounding that particular decade in books, movies, and TV shows, I get the highly romanticized view of that time and sometimes wish I'd lived then. I'd have been one classy broad.
13. I only started riding bikes to impress Jon. Now I'm pretty good at it.
14. I read books like they are food and I am starving.
15. I don't ever want to live somewhere far from the ocean.
16. I love painting my nails.
17. I can't not bake treats when it's raining outside.
18. Matt Bomer is my gay crush.
Bonus: He wears suits from the '60s
19. I love running. I used to hate it.
20. My one regret in life is not going abroad for at least one semester in college.
#20 is my regret too! I just got caught up on your blog posts and this 30 things theme is awesome! I'm saving this idea for myself someday. :) Since it's a little impractical now to write this out for my cats.