Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Election 2012

I felt compelled to write this after a long election season. From smear campaigns to ridiculous commercials, a bombardment of annoying and opinionated Facebook posts to the personal desire to slap some people across the face for being so disrespectful toward the opposite opinion. As much as I love my freedom in this country, I tend to hate election years.

This particular post is another one directed at my daughters, for future elections they will participate in.


*Exercise your right to vote. It's a privilege, and if you don't use it, you certainly can't complain about how things in your country, state, county, or city are done. (Not that you should complain anyway, but if you don't do anything to change things, don't expect change.)

*No matter what your party affiliation, religious beliefs, or personal opinions, no one man or woman will  lead the country the exact way you want them to. It's impossible to please everyone. I'm sure each president stops trying to fairly quickly once they are put into office, if not well before then. Because it's impossible.

*If you support a candidate, in any kind of election, don't be condescending or insulting to those who support a different one. We are each entitled to our own opinion, and vote, which is one huge reason our country is so great. Vote the way you're going to vote, but do it quietly. It's fine to positively support those you believe in, but don't try to smear the opponent(s). It's a waste of time, and usually makes you look and sound stupid.

*I believe there is one True God, and that Jesus is His Son. Along with this belief is the absolute certainty that my sovereign God does not make mistakes. It was no surprise to Him when Obama got elected in 2008, and it was no surprise to Him that Obama was reelected last night. The bible actually tells us (which it seems to me in the heat of election years that many Christians either forget or choose to ignore) that we are to respect and obey those put in authority over us. I believe that if God didn't want Obama to be our president, he wouldn't be. Vote what is on your heart, and for the one you believe will do the best job. But if your choice does not win, be assured that it was not a mistake. Use your energy to then move forward, and always remember that our president is just a man (or woman someday!)...

Barack & Michelle: the pic Obama tweeted after winning in 2012

*...President Obama is just a man. He is human. He has made mistakes, and will make mistakes, just as any other human being would if he/she were President. He has two daughters. He has a wife. He has things he loves to do. He has one of the hardest jobs in the entire world. Respect the fact that his job is hard and that he is most likely doing the best he possibly can. If you think you can do his job better, run for president. I'll vote for you.

*You don't have to be affiliated with a party. I'm not. I vote for the candidate I agree on the most issues with. This has not always been a Republican, as it has with most of my family. In 2012, I did not vote for Obama or Romney. I personally have major issues with certain stances both of these men take on subjects that are very important to me. I fully realize that some people would argue that I threw my vote away. I understand the reasoning, but I have a problem with the mentality that we should "vote for the lesser of two evils." (I'm not saying Obama and Romney are evil... it's just an expression.) If I don't feel comfortable supporting a certain candidate, I will not do it just because he/she may be "better" than the alternative. My opinion may change as I get older. I realize I'm just a 30 year old with hardly any wisdom, and am still far from having a strong opinion with regard to most political issues. But for now, I refuse to "pick a side". You don't have to, either.

Once the winner is announced, it's done. No need to bash those who voted against your choice, no need to bash the actual president. It's time to respect who was put in charge and live your life. We live free, we live happy, and we live with love. The President won't change that.